I believe that parents are the experts...
They know their child better than anyone!
I help them organize that expertise into practical strategies that facilitate communication, social engagement, and more!
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I help them organize that expertise into practical strategies that facilitate communication, social engagement, and more!
Are you struggling to help your child communicate their needs and wants at home?
Are you overwhelmed trying to understand your child's Sensory Processing needs?
Are you frustrated with challenging behaviors that impact everyday life in the home?
If the answer is "Yes" >>> it's time to take the next step towards becoming an Empowered Parent... BEYOND THE LABEL!
Knowing your child's individual needs, gives you the power of Advocacy!
Understanding Autism will give you the power to accept and appreciate Neurodiversity!
Commitment to implementing strategies with consistency, gives you the power to guide your child's Success!
My name is Stacy Badon, and I began my career working as a Speech, Language Therapist in the public schools of south Louisiana.
In 1998, I met my first Autistic student, and immediately began to search for strategies specific to Autism Spectrum Disorder. I read everything they had available at that time, and I worked closely with parents in the home environment. I quickly discovered my passion along with my purpose, and immersed myself in the Autism community.
After 20+ years, I am still passionate about empowering parents!
Along with over 15 years of professional experience as a Speech Therapist, I also earned a Master of Psychology Specializing in Child Development, obtained certification as a Behavior Specialist, and became a certified Sensory Enrichment Therapist. I presented at the 25th Annual Texas Autism Conference, as well as the 5th World Autism Organisation Conference. I currently serve on the WAO Executive Council Advisory Board. In 2017, I provided six weeks of Autism Education Training in Ghana; I am currently providing consultative services for several Autism Centers in Africa. I provide Parent Coaching to families that span across seven continents. Strategies are provided based on the cultural dynamics for each individual family.
I am passionate about supporting parents on their journey towards education and empowerment. I believe that parents have the power to build their child's communication skills while providing a sensory enriched environment towards consistent sensory regulation, as well as, support emotional regulation to meet the individual needs of their child. Therefore, I provide a customized plan geared towards the individual needs of the child, while incorporating tools tailored to the unique dynamic of the family. I appreciate the availability of technology and the World Wide Web which has allowed me to support internationally-based families within the Autism community via the Internet. I am determined to share my knowledge and experience with others so that children and their families can reach their full potential.
I understand that each family has their own unique set of dynamics, which guides their individual needs. If you would like to know more, I offer, a free 20-minute consult.
Virtual services available worldwide!